...only in the dreamtime of primal peoples and poets and dreamers can we fully grasp the ineffable that lingers just beyond the reach of intelligence.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

No group 121213...

...as this post title says.

I'm not around, and Jane is feeling ill.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

No group on 24th October...

Just an advanced notice of that.

And a reminder that we're inside now for cooler months. Let me know if you're interested in coming along. It's an open group.

Maybe see you this evening- it's on (as usual if there's nothing posted up here to say otherwise).


Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Lovely New Place!!!

Hi everyone, Thursdays are now indoors and starting from the new time of 6PM. Don't know end time yet... we'll see how it works out...

Please contact: djnath17@hotmail.com for info.

And hope to see you there, rain or shine, sun or cold, bright or grey or multi-coloured!!


blog happy blogfest

Hi Mystical Poets... or just poets... or just writers... people, expressing what is true to you...

There's no fanciness, no exclusivity, it all is just as it is, take it or leave it... the opportunity to share your words and feel the connection it may or may not bring... words to touch base or words to shed skins... words of bliss or restriction felt... words of celebration or of clearing out the old...

whatever it is all I really wanted to say in this post is that I will update this blog today or tomorrow (let's say by Thursday morning) with details of where we will meet.

All the best (with 'good' and 'bad' in balance)


Thursday, 19 September 2013

Rain is belting down on the roof... as you might have guessed... no poetry today.

Not in the park anyway. Maybe in our hearts and heads and on the page the poems still have space to be...

Arrangements for a winter venue are in process... :-)

Thursday, 12 September 2013

No poetry today

Hey everyone... not feeling the weather today... so unfortunately it won't be on...

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Yes, it's every week!

Weather permitting... check this space on the day...

Friday, 16 August 2013

When's the next one? Not until 29th. Then there's one. On the 29th.

We explored 'Gift' a little last night. What is a gift... giving... life, living... a box with a present, or the here now pre(-)sent moment all there is, time and space shared, together, Consciousness or attention given... honesty with yourself and others the greatest gift of all perhaps... greater than a societally directed, accepted, decided compulsory knee-jerk 'it's Christmas tomorrow, fuck, I've gotta get that person a present'...

Next poetry session IS... THURSDAY 29TH AUGUST. Weather permitting, check this space. Meets continuing weekly from then.

Keep the words flowing... remembering where they came from... and what they're pointing to...

...and get that straight, in you.


Shining through!

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Just a reminder...

If you hear nothing, it's on!

It's on today :-)

Friday, 9 August 2013

Mystical is what it is...

Come along... it's not scary, we're friendly. It's natural and human to feel self-conscious, self-aware, self-doubting... all the hang ups of self that stop us from being who we know we really are. Give yourself the gift of breaking through what holds you back... just for that moment it takes for you to walk up, to see, to say hello, to sit down and let yourself...

It's a small group, typically 3 or 4 of us... and there's no comparing better or worse... because how can there be. How can you be better than me, or me better than you? You are you and I am me and there is no comparison because there can't be. It's impossible. And we're all the same anyway.

Theme just gone was impromptu '''civilised''' and '''savage''' (week before that was 'Light, false light, and darkness 'good' and 'bad'')... exploring the savagery of civilisation, its dryness and parchedness of thirst, and the connectedness of the Life that has been demonised in times gone by and even today... as we break through the bullshit, return to ourselves, and let our categories dissolve into the imagination they came from...

So we explored that... and that is just one angle of what we explored... no formula, no 'right' or 'wrong' perspective... just letting the writing flow, getting out of the head, out of the way and onto the page as much as possible...

Next week... who knows what the theme will be... but it will be relevant, because whatever it is, we make it relevant.

Check this space to see if there is cancellation due to weather. If there are no updates, it's on as usual.


5.15pm till 7ish, location in the park, scroll down.


Saturday, 27 July 2013

Silence and Sound pass by...

Theme just gone was Silence and Sound.

See you Thursday 1st for a new one...

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Every Thursday evening...

A good one today- 'Presence and Distraction' was the theme... 

Being Present, Being Distracted...

Next week we'll have a new theme- suggestions welcome...

IN QUEEN'S PARK, JUST UP FROM THE POND (around the northern edge, in the little rockery area) 5.15-7PM.

All welcome... donation of £3+, whatever you feel.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

See you today if you fancy coming along...

The theme is Many Dances, One Dance.

Location Queens Park... scroll down for more precise place info...

Time 5.15- 6.30 today :-)

Thursday, 4 July 2013


No group today due to iffy weather... hope to see you next week...


Friday, 14 June 2013

20th June CANCELLED... next one 27th

Dear Mystical Poeteers...

Due to Solstice happenings, no group on Thurs. Though by all means turn up and share the time together... perhaps leave a comment below if you plan to do that, so that others can see if anyone's going to turn up. Or just flow with it either way...

As for next time...

Previously we did some spontaneous writing on a spontaneous theme(!), so we'll go into the HUMAN/ MACHINE theme on 27th- Thursday 5.15pm, near pond. Have as think/feel into the theme, maybe even bring some pre-written work, if you get that far...

Please assume it's on unless you hear otherwise on the day.

Yours poetically,


Thursday, 13 June 2013

So what about today... It's windy... it's not raining... It could go either way. I'm going to say YES, it's ON! See you at the park, same area as before (scroll down to see). And if the weather turns bad, we can go to the cafe right next to the park.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Great to be outside this eve! We had plenty to work on with the theme 'city / nature' alone...

NEXT DATE: Thursday 13th June, 5.15-7pm, Queens Park - Theme: 'human / machine'

More info: http://www.meetup.com/creative-arts/events/123339552/?a=co1.1_grp&rv=co1.1

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Lovely weather- we're on for tomorrow! Theme below...

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Many of you Mystical Poets may be interested in:

Sufi Gathering- great event, run monthly in Brighton- highly recommended, at Friends Meeting House Brighton 2-4pm Sat 1st June. The last one included writing from the soul!
Hi One and All,

NO POETRY TODAY (30th May) due to weather.

Looking at it positively, that gives us a chance to think about/ feel into the theme for 6th June:
5.15pm-7pm. In the park. By donation.

Any themes you want to explore, let me know by posting a comment here...


Friday, 17 May 2013


So after the last evening at Friends Meeting House, we are moving out into the Sun!

The next one is Thursday 30th May, IN QUEEN'S PARK, JUST UP FROM THE POND (around the northern edge) at the slightly new time of 5.15-7PM. There will be no meeting this coming Thursday.

So these events will be weather permitting. I'll keep this blog and the meetup updated as best I can. Hope to see you soon!

Any theme suggestions, let me know :-)


Sunday, 12 May 2013

Upcoming, coming up...

Hi All,

After 16th May, we will be sharing our words outside... more details to follow...


Thursday, 9 May 2013

have a list of themes...

April 11th Sun Light and Clouds
April 18th Open Space and Fences
April 25th Roots and Wings
May 2nd Rigidity and Ineffability
May 9th Loss and Growth, Success and Failure
May 16th Renewal and Rebirth

Friday, 29 March 2013

Taking a week's break...

There will be no group on 4th April. We'll be at it again from 11th April... details of themes to come!

Saturday, 16 February 2013

New Themes

Feb 21st The Hero's Journey
Feb 28th Real & Ethereal
Mar 7th Loved & Lost
Mar 14th Near & Far, Distance & Nearness
Mar 21st Sorcery & Tricksters
Mar 28th Arising & Falling

Friday, 4 January 2013

Exploring the Elements, and Us...

Air ~ Inspiration Jan 10th
Fire ~ Spirit Jan 17th
Water ~ Flow Jan 24th
Earth ~ Growth Jan 31st
Separation ~ Experience Feb 7th
Oneness ~ Bliss / Oneness ~ Nothing Feb 14th

An informal gathering of souls looking to explore their own divine connection through writing and sharing their words. Short meditations, time for writing, and sharing in circle...

You're very welcome to come along...

It's your consciousness to explore!

Drop in £3-£9, sliding scale. www.mystical-poetry.blogspot.com

Friends Meeting House, Ship Street, Brighton, BN1 1AF.