Dear Mystical Poeteers...
Due to Solstice happenings, no group on Thurs. Though by all means turn up and share the time together... perhaps leave a comment below if you plan to do that, so that others can see if anyone's going to turn up. Or just flow with it either way...
As for next time...
Previously we did some spontaneous writing on a spontaneous theme(!), so we'll go into the HUMAN/ MACHINE theme on 27th- Thursday 5.15pm, near pond. Have as think/feel into the theme, maybe even bring some pre-written work, if you get that far...
Please assume it's on unless you hear otherwise on the day.
Yours poetically,
Due to Solstice happenings, no group on Thurs. Though by all means turn up and share the time together... perhaps leave a comment below if you plan to do that, so that others can see if anyone's going to turn up. Or just flow with it either way...
As for next time...
Previously we did some spontaneous writing on a spontaneous theme(!), so we'll go into the HUMAN/ MACHINE theme on 27th- Thursday 5.15pm, near pond. Have as think/feel into the theme, maybe even bring some pre-written work, if you get that far...
Please assume it's on unless you hear otherwise on the day.
Yours poetically,