...only in the dreamtime of primal peoples and poets and dreamers can we fully grasp the ineffable that lingers just beyond the reach of intelligence.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Lovely New Place!!!

Hi everyone, Thursdays are now indoors and starting from the new time of 6PM. Don't know end time yet... we'll see how it works out...

Please contact: djnath17@hotmail.com for info.

And hope to see you there, rain or shine, sun or cold, bright or grey or multi-coloured!!


blog happy blogfest

Hi Mystical Poets... or just poets... or just writers... people, expressing what is true to you...

There's no fanciness, no exclusivity, it all is just as it is, take it or leave it... the opportunity to share your words and feel the connection it may or may not bring... words to touch base or words to shed skins... words of bliss or restriction felt... words of celebration or of clearing out the old...

whatever it is all I really wanted to say in this post is that I will update this blog today or tomorrow (let's say by Thursday morning) with details of where we will meet.

All the best (with 'good' and 'bad' in balance)


Thursday, 19 September 2013

Rain is belting down on the roof... as you might have guessed... no poetry today.

Not in the park anyway. Maybe in our hearts and heads and on the page the poems still have space to be...

Arrangements for a winter venue are in process... :-)

Thursday, 12 September 2013

No poetry today

Hey everyone... not feeling the weather today... so unfortunately it won't be on...

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Yes, it's every week!

Weather permitting... check this space on the day...