...only in the dreamtime of primal peoples and poets and dreamers can we fully grasp the ineffable that lingers just beyond the reach of intelligence.

Friday, 9 November 2012

New Themes UP!

Awakening...   (November 15th)
breath and breathing form; birth and death and Life Forever.   (November 22nd)

inside outside, walls and no walls; spirals and swirls, circles, cycles and yoyos.   (November 29th)

yin, yang, yin yang; movement and stillness.   (6th December)

present moment awareness.   (13th December)

microcosm, macrocosm, mesocosm too. Image and reality/ Illusion and Reality.   (20th December)


  1. Hi Nathan,
    Really sorry I can't make it tonight. I very much enjoyed last week (and I still owe you for the room!!) Hope to be there next week and looking forward to it.

  2. Joanna, hey, thanks for letting me know- it was another good one (they're always good!)... looking forward to meeting again next week.


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